Getting Unreal Engine working on macOS Sonoma's Public Beta
xcode-select saves your life if you tell it to
This is a little bit of a short post, but I really haven’t seen anyone talk about it on the internet so I’m putting this out so people can find it.
Here’s how you can fix Unreal complaining about Xcode on macOS Sonoma’s Public Beta (provided you installed the Xcode beta)
> xcode-select -p
> sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer
> xcode-select -p
The Xcode beta doesn’t install itself in the same way that the App Store beta does and it doesn’t update xcode-select which is how Unreal figures out where to grab the SDKs from.
Also, you can’t use Xcode 14 on Sonoma.